Visio app crashes on startup

Sometimes Visio app crashes on startup.

There are couple of resolutions:

Factory reset:

  1. Try to open Visio App manually at applications.
  2. At Visio's startup screen, press and hold Fidelix-logo over 5 sec.
  3. Accept factory reset. NOTE! This removes settings and user data!
  4. Run and configurate trough first start -wizard

Update / reinstall:

Try to update or reinstall Visio App and Visio Web App.

Manual file remove:

  1. On the "desktop" or Android applications, open (file) "Explorer"-app
  2. Select "Internal memory" -> "Fdx"-folder
  3. Press long config.txt and choose "Delete"
  4. Restart the device
  5. If device asks to select launcher, choose "Visio App" and always
  6. Run and configurate trough first start -wizard